The purest clean you've ever seen just got even more pure after upgrading to a 5 stage pure water filtration system! This system can be operated from one of our company vehicles and is also fully portable. The system was developed in conjunction with a water filtration specialist operating in Queensland and... read more →
Value is a ratio of service to price and every business should be looking to maximize value. The simplest way to improve value is to just reduce price but one needs to be mindful that cheap rates and mediocre service does not represent good value. In fact inferior service can cost customers... read more →
Team Window Clean prides itself on delivering an outstanding window cleaning service but what is window cleaning integrity? Integrity is the quest to do something right for no other reason than it is intrinsically right. Integrity is integrity regardless of the profession but I have coined the term window cleaning integrity to better... read more →
Low E (Emissivity) Glass is essentially a glass panel with an internal film. Manufactures claim that E Glass significantly reduces UV radiation, thereby protecting furniture, flooring etc. Other claimed benefits include improved insulation and a reduction in sound transfer. An alternative to Low E Glass is double glazing and clearly a number of factors need to be considered,... read more →
Pure water window cleaning is a great example of working with nature rather than against it to produce a better environmental and economic outcome. Pure water window cleaning uses no chemicals but instead relies on ionic attraction between oppositely charged ions. Minerals found in tap water carry either a negative... read more →
As a busy Perth window cleaning professional I think window cleaning as a profession is very healthy given the physical nature of the work and the number and variety of client interactions. But what about window cleaning from a client perspective, could it be good for your health? A number of studies... read more →
Sounds strange I know, but yes, a regular pure water window cleaning routine does wonders for stainless steel footings, supports and railings, particularly around glass balustrades. Many coastal homes in Perth and elsewhere experience significant corrosion of metal items that are commonly thought of as corrosion resistant. Even marine grade stainless steel will develop... read more →
When window frames react with oxygen over an extended period of time they are said to be oxidised. Exposure to the sun and salt air contribute to this process. An oxidised aluminium frame may not be obvious until water is applied to it. Water that makes contact with the top... read more →
I heard this statement in my travels recently and thought it was an important issue to explore. Does rain keep solar panels clean? If it were correct then theoretically I should be able to just splash purified water on windows to clean them but I know this doesn't achieve a... read more →
Rain does not make windows dirty. Rain is water in its purest form, like the water generated from Team Window Clean's 3-stage water filtration system, rain water has no dissolved solids and dries spot free. Confusion arises as rain re-distributes dirt that is already sitting on the glass from a... read more →